Monday 12 January 2009

Synopsis+Mise En Scène

A suspicious murder of a young babysitter occurs in the quiet town of Burnley. No evidence is found, no trace, no DNA, no fingerprints, only a drawing of a clown. The drawing, reminiscient of a murder victim, that took place some years ago shocks the local police as they try to hide the events. However, it is up too a friend of the deceased babysitter to solve the mystery before anymore lives are taken.

Babysitter; played by Morgan. The babysitter will be the typical first victim, very young, innocent and naive.
Killer-'The Clown'; played by Matt. We decided to go with a 'clown' theme, based on the Joker from Batman, to enact on the wide fear of clowns in an audience. Has a very disturbed look, general look should create some enigmas; as with most horror movie killers.
Child; played by Lucy, Morgan's sister. Mainly the character is used to set up the job of the babysitter. She also creates one of the story's enigmas, as she is responsible for the drawing of the 'clown'.

Set in the year 2009, modern. Opening sequence will be set at night, typical cliché setting for a slasher flick murder victim.
Location; The sequence shall be filmed at Morgan's house. We shall do an establishing shot of the street and house to set the location. Very important shot, as this shall be done following the killer to the house.

By convention, our opening sequence must set up a number of enigmas. We hope to achieve the following enigmas;
*Who is the killer?
*Why is he targeting an innocent babysitter?
*Why does he look the way he does?
*How did the child manage to draw a picture of the killers face?
*What happens to the babysitter?

Morgan; simple normal teenage girl wear. Will help establish the time of the sequence (modern day)
'The Clown'; we aren't going to dress him as a typical clown. We are basing his appearence more like 'The Joker' from Batman, with a messily painted face, to give him a disturbing look. His clothes will either be of a varied range of bright colours, maybe dirtied to tie in with the clown theme, or something along the lines of a suit, to give the clown a more classic dark look.

To set the scene, and make the equilibrium seem normal, the house will be very well lit. However, for the scenes in which we try to induce fear, more low key lighting will be used. We have to be careful with low key lighting, as to ensure everything in the camera frame is visible. We are trying to get some silhouette shots of the clown, to show him as a dark figure, which should be feared.

;Jack Tomlinson

1 comment:

SMC Media Student said...

Good ideas. You seem to be well on with this now. Get the storyboard finished and uploaded to show exactly how the sequence will be played out. (Mrs A)